
Welcome to the On-Line Resource Site on the Indochina War at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM). This electronic resource seeks to provide specialists, teachers, students, and the general public with reliable reference tools needed to better understand this complex conflict. The On-Line Resource Site is made possible by a grant from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada and with the institutional support of the UQÀM, its Département d’histoire and the collaboration of Professor David Marr at the Australian National University. Although Christopher Goscha has supervised this project, the real author is Phi Van Nguyen, assisted by Simon Abdela. A special thanks also goes to Jean-François Tremblay, Nathalie Lavoie and René Le Minh Cuong from the audiovisual staff at the UQÀM.

Given that the project is a work-in-progress, most parts of this site, such as the chronology and the bibliography, are still being developed. Since an on-line source lends itself to easy updating and expansion, we have decided to launch the project in its present form in the hope that it will be of immediate use to its visitors.We would be grateful, however, for any suggestions or corrections, which would allow us to improve it.Contact Christopher Goscha (website) at goscha.christopher@uqam.ca.